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Cubic Evaporators

The HEA range of commercial cubic evaporators has been designed for use in cold rooms for the preservation of fresh and frozen products.

The exchange coils used in the HEA range are highly efficient with special profile aluminum fins and 12 mm internally grooved copper tubes, with a reduced internal volume to reduce the necessary refrigerant charge, meeting the needs of the different international regulations for the reduction of gases with high greenhouse effect. They are supplied clean and tested under a pressure of 30 bar.

The HEA range has models with 3 different fin pitch depending on the temperature of the cold room:

– HEA XXXX XX 4X: with 4 mm pitch, suitable for high temperatures in the cold room (Rt >=0°C)
– HEA XXXX XX 6X: with 6 mm pitch, suitable for medium temperatures in the cold room(Rt >=- 18°C)
– HEA XXXX XX 9X: with 9 mm pitch, suitable for low temperatures in the cold room (Rt >=-35°C)

The standard electric fans used in this range have the following characteristics:

– 0250, 300, 350, 400 mm: single-phase 230V/1/50 Hz with external rotor, with type K grid and nozzle (short mouth).

Operating temperature -40°C to +40°C.